40 point brown chipboard (.04 inch thick)
CHIPBOARD PAPER-BOARD Sheets/Card Paper - Light Weight Brown Card Board
for Rigid Protection, Shipping and Crafts
40 Point Thickness
-Equal to the thickness of 10 sheets of regular 20# paper.
-40pt thickness caliper of .040 inches = 1.016mm on a metric scale = 750gsm.
-Already cut to size.
Brown Kraft Color with Naturally Darker and Lighter Fibers
-Chipboard has a very usable surface which is not as highly finished as fine papers. Yet it could be written, drawn, or stamped on to bring your ideas to life. The brown color is nice and works for most intended tasks. Too thick for most printing processes. Use your skills and imagination to create do it yourself invitations and all kinds of other diy projects.
-100% post consumer waste Recycling. A great mix of recycling and processing to get the native look of fibers poured and pressed into board weight paper.
Available in a Variety of Sizes, Thicknesses and Quantities
- Good for scrapbook album covers or hand crafted boxes
- Cover chip board with decorative papers or wrap with fabrics
- Occasions like weddings, engagements, anniversaries, parties and graduations
- Supportive uses like hanging, displaying, supporting, padding, shipping, and protecting items
- Chip Board supplies you can buy now
Quality PaperBoard from ThunderBolt Paper
-With over 30 years in the paper business, we have had experience with lots of high quality papers. We are always eager to answer questions so you get the right paper for the right job.
-Looking forward to you joining our thousands of happy customers.
Make your selection now and we will get your Chipboard on the way!
40 point brown chipboard (.04 inch thick)